In-Company Training : Distance Learning

Develop European Projects for your organisation

In-Company Training

This distance learning is set up with, and for the organization that requests it. It is tailor-made to meet the specific needs of the organization that wishes to train one or more members of its team


A preliminary interview is set up to allow us to analyse together the context, the stakes and the needs to create the best customised training proposition.


Each trainee must be equipped with a computer with a webcam/microphone, an Internet connection and access to e-mail. We provide individual support to each trainee for the implementation of videoconferencing prior to the training. 


The benefits


  • Limitation of trainee travel
  • Training in small groups (6 people maximum),
  • Quality and fluidity of exchanges,
  • Adaptation to the constraints of participants

We choose together the date and the place of the sessions. 

Distance Learning

Distance learning is flexible : its methodology and rhythm are different from traditional training. 


Upstream, the instructors transmit the pedagogical tools (pedagogical database and LABA toolbox) necessary to prepare the session. The participants are invited to read and comment on these tools before the beginning of the training. 


During the training, the speakers alternate between webinars and group work, in half-day sessions. 

The Tools

Le LABA uses adapted and tested collaborative digital tools to facilitate and follow up the training. During exchanges with the participants, a forum with a moderator and facilitator is set up in order to facilitate the questions and answers :


  • visio (Zoom, GoToMeeting, Whereby, Framatalk…),
  • online management (Googledocs, Pads…),
  • tracking (Dropbox, Googleforms…). 


It is possible, as with traditional intra-company training, to choose non-consecutive training dates


The organisation wishes to develop a cooperation project on a European scale or a local development project that may be eligible for European funds.


The organisation has notions in project management and/or has developed international links. In order to take the development and internationalisation of her activities to the next level, she wishes to train her team in the engineering of multilateral European projects or in the management of local development projects.


This development of skills must be precise on the methodology of projects and can financially secure the positions and the positioning of the organization in its sector. 

Content (example)


Funds for transnational cooperation

_ European governance : the institutions and executive agencies

_ The place of culture in the EU’s external relations

_ Interest groups and public affairs : how is cultural lobbying organised in Brussels?

_ European Cultural Networks : presentation and development of opportunities

_ Presentation of programs for culture, education, research and development, tourism and SMEs (targeted according to needs)

– Methodologies for European cooperation


The European Structural Funds

_ Presentation of the regional operational program and financing lines adapted to the company’s project

_ ERDF and ESF : Differentiation of objectives, your regional contact points

_ Innovation/Creativity: Definition work in the framework of the Regional OP

_ Aid for Cultural Third Places: Example of Projects 

_ Identify the right funding line for my project idea


Collective writing of projects

_ Drafting work (in three groups) within the team on several types of programs

_ Formulation of objectives

_ Building an action plan

_ Assessment Process

_ Pitch of group projects

_ Editing of projects and production of a project note to be sent to partners

_ Construction of a provisional project budget to be communicated to partners

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