Since 2013, LABA works closely with associations, private and public organisations and territories in culture, creative industries and tourism to develop their project through European funds and International cooperation. We help them to raise and manage funds, and to build their internationalisation strategy.
But LABAÂ also carries out projects in its areas of expertise, in conjunction with its French and international partners.
Discover in this newsletter some of our main topics, through the innovative projects that we are working on.
Enjoy your reading and take care,
Sophie Guénebaut, Director & Maud Gari, Development and Marketing Manager
Migrations flows, and the resulting social changes, are crucial subjects of discussion all over Europe. Â
Several projects that we carry on are based on creative activities aimed to young people as beneficiaries because there are significant obstacles to their integration beyond their worrying situation. Young people invest themselves, tell their story and pass on through video or drawing. Children at school can use their language and own culture to facilitate their inclusion. This is done thanks to our European partner’s expertise and commitment.
Discover 3 projects
The first day at a new school for migrant pupils is crucial. There are a lot of issues for them, especially when they don’t speak the language from the new country. The project Day 1 aims to build an educational kit to better welcome migrant children from the very beginning. The challenge is to develop tools enabling those involved in education to use mother tongues as a resource for all pupils, and not as a marker of difference.
Greek, Belgian, French, Italian, Irish and Maltese partners, under the leadership of LABA, have all already worked on projects promoting the inclusion of allophone children in their host countries, in particular Migratory Musics through music and lullabies.
Budget : 366k€
Young migrants use media and social media to produce testimonies, to tell what forced them to leave their country of origin and what they went through during their journey towards Europe. This project is aimed to show a different perspective on those matters, and to empower young migrants.
Here are two videos, made in France by the Lycée Lamorlette (33).
The Real Picture is a project by 9 partners from France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Nigeria and Malta, under the leadership of VisMedNet Association of Malta.
Budget : 133k€
Refugee’s inclusion moves Europe (RIME) project aimed at developing the skills of adults working to support and include refugees. RIME was born from the creation of the Refugee’s guide, in France, produced for and with refugees living in the Bordeaux metropolitan area. This guide, made in the form of a comic strip, facilitate their knowledge and their inclusion.
The objective is to adapt and to spread this guide in all countries part of the project : Greece, Italy, Malta, Sweden.
Budget : 275k€
Entrepreneurship is a very rich opportunity for people off the radar, who are outside the academic and professional framework.
Our projects about entrepreneurship are destined to minorities, weakened or invisibles groups : women, NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training) or migrant people. Mentorship proves to be a particularly powerful tool for them, as well networking.
Discover 3 projects
Women entrepreneurs experience 3 obstacles when they start an entrepreneurial venture : access to finance, access to networks, and lack of female role models. However, female entrepreneurship is an opportunity for our economy, since it contributes to its productivity and innovation potential.
Based on these findings, partners from France, Spain, Belgium, Austria and Romania are managing an Europe-wide mentoring programme to encourage women in the music industry to become more entrepreneurial.
Budget : €359k
Street Food Opportunities for Youth (SFOFY) is about street culture is a rapidly evolving area of economic activity (urban arts, creative industries, fashion, food, tourism…) which offer opportunities for innovative and entrepreneurial projects. The objective is to use the relatability and attractiveness of street culture as a potential business area for people who are far from employment (NEETs, minorities, migrant and those from deprived neighbourhoods).
Lead by East Belfast Entreprise LTD, partners form Greece, Danemark, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and France work together on this social inclusion and entrepreneurship issues.
Budget : 298k€
Street culture is a rapidly evolving area of economic activity (urban arts, creative industries, fashion, food, tourism…) which offer opportunities for innovative and entrepreneurial projects. The objective is to use the relatability and attractiveness of street culture as a potential business area for people who are far from employment (NEETs, minorities, migrant and those from deprived neighbourhoods).
Lead by East Belfast Entreprise LTD, partners form Greece, Danemark, Irland, Poland, Portugal and France work together on this social inclusion and entrepreneurship issues.
Budget : 298k€
As tourism is one of the most dynamic economic sectors in the world, this continued growth is accompanied by increased consumer awareness of sustainable (environmentally friendly), participatory and inclusive tourism – especially in the framework of the COVID crisis that reshuffle the cards. The objectives of our projects is to increasing the participation of the inhabitants in the construction of tourist narratives. It allows another type of tourism, more centred on the inhabitants and citizens, naturally oriented towards local products.
Discover 3 projects
European Youth Roots (EYR) is a project that promotes the involvement of young people in innovative projects in the field of participatory and sustainable tourism, through experiments and through development of entrepreneurial activities, as the vast majority of tourism enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises.
7 partners from France, Danemark, Italy, Irland, Malta and Great Britain work on the construction of two manual guides, a platform with tools and ressources for young entrepreneurs and a awareness campaign on the topic.
Budget : €243k
This project led to the creation of 3 atypical and geolocalised tourist routes coordinated by artists from the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine in France to discover surprising stories and little-known places.
The innovation of this project is based on its ability to link 3 dynamics (Tourism, Social, Culture) on a given territory (Right Bank of the Bordeaux Metropolis) through an original action-training action (led by artists) which associates inhabitants (young and old).
Budget : 40k€
European stories is an initiative to integrating the inhabitants into the tourist offers. In this way, they participate to the creation of new tourists routes based on their stories, sometimes in their native language. It gives the opportunity for inhabitants, specially those in precarious situations (job seekers, foreigners) to learn new skills. Meanwhile tourists they enjoy a different point of view on the region they are visiting.
Budget : 285k€
With the support of the European Union’s Creative Europe programme. The above-mentioned projects are financed with the support of the European Commission. The support provided by the European Commission for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflects the views only of the authors; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Photo credits: CANVA